





院長福田 弥生


  • 2010

    藤田医科大学 医学部を卒業

  • 2011

    大阪大学 医学部 産科婦人科学教室に入局

  • 2012

    大阪警察病院 産婦人科に勤務

  • 2015

    大阪大学医学部附属病院 産婦人科に勤務

  • 2019

    大阪大学医学部 医学博士を取得

  • 2022.10


  • 2024.3

    福田レディースクリニック 院長に就任


  • 日本産科婦人科学会 専門医
  • 日本医師会 母体保護法指定医
  • 厚生労働省 緩和ケア研修修了
  • 日本産科婦人科学会 指導医
  • 新生児蘇生法専門コース 修了認定


  • 日本産科婦人科学会
  • 日本女性医学学会
  • 日本産婦人科内視鏡学会
  • 日本生殖医学会


Maenaka T, Iwata N, Egawa-Takata T, Fukuda Y, Tsukahara C, Kashihara H, Hisamoto K, Kunishige I, Nishio Y, TsujimotoM.
A case of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix treated with paclitaxel and carboplatin after positive PAX8 immunostaining
Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2013 Oct;40(10):1413-7.

産婦人科の実際 2015年 64巻 4号 p.593-597

Tomimatsu T, Fukuda Y, Mimura K, Yoshino K, Kato H, Tsuboyama T, Hori Y, Kimura T.
Intense fluorodeoxyglucose uptake by a benign sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary.
Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Dec;55(6):893-894.

Shigeta N, Nakamura H, Suzuki Y, Fukuda Y, Sato N, Yamashita M, Tanaka A, Koizumi K, Furuya K, Kim N, Yasui Y, Goa S, Kumasawa K, Kimura T.
A case report of a successful pregnancy in a woman diagnosed with common variable immunodeficiency with impaired B cell class-switching and the decrease in naïve CD4 positive T cell
Journal of Reproductive Immunology volume 118, November 2016, Page 120.

A new function of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF): suppression of cell proliferation in uterine endometrial carcinoma
Fukuda Y. Nakamura, H. Kumasawa, K. Kimura, T. Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 7: 92-99, 2019

Nakagawa M, Egawa-Takata T, Kamino Y, Otoshi A, Fukuda Y, Tokugawa Y, Tsukahara C, Miyatake T, Nishio Y.
A case in which laparoscopic right salpingo-oophorectomy was performed in a patient with a lumboperitoneal shunt.
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;72:156-159.

西尾 幸浩, 神野 友里, 大歳 愛由子, 福田 弥生, 塚原 稚香子, 高田 友美, 宮武 崇
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 2020 年 36 巻 1 号 p. 163-168

福田弥生. 熊澤恵一. 鈴木陽介. 達富郁海. 髙岡 幸. 佐藤紀子. 山下美智子. 小泉花織. 古谷毅一郎. 繁田直哉. 田中絢香. 安井悠里. 金 南孝. 三宅達也. 後安聡子. 正木秀武. 香山晋輔. 中村仁美. 木村 正.
第4回関西生殖医学集談会第48回関西アンドロロジーカンファレンス合同研究会 3.5/’16 大阪

福田 弥生. 松本 有里 .東原 大樹.新谷 康.柿ヶ野 藍子.高田 友美. 松崎慎哉.熊澤 惠一.香山 晋輔.遠藤 誠之.木村 正.
第134回近畿産科婦人科学会 6.4-5/’16 京都

福田弥生. 佐藤紀子. 鈴木陽介. 達富郁海. 高岡 幸. 山下美智子. 小泉花織. 繁田直哉. 田中絢香. 古谷毅一郎. 金 南孝. 安井悠里. 後安聡子. 正木秀武. 中村仁美. 熊澤恵一. 木村 正.
第21回日本生殖内分泌学会 1.14/’17 豊中

G-CSF suppresses proliferation of human uterine endometrial carcinoma cells.
Fukuda Y. Nakamura H. Kumasawa K. Kimura T.
ISIR/JSIR 2019 2019/11/13-16 奈良春日野国際フォーラム甍

福田弥生 香山晋輔 西尾幸浩
第21回 思春期診療研究会 4/16/’22 大阪

日本産科婦人科学会認定 産婦人科専門医の院長と鍼・灸などの知識をもった副院長が連携し、西洋と東洋の治療法を柔軟に選択しながら診療にあたります。また、大きな手術を要する場合は、連携する医療機関へ迅速対応いたします。


福田 操男


  • 1976

    鹿児島大学医学部 卒業

  • 1981

    神戸大学医学部大学院 博士課程修了

  • 1981

    赤穂市民病院 産婦人科医長

  • 1985


  • 2024.3

    福田レディースクリニック 理事長に就任


  • 日本産科婦人科学会認定 産婦人科専門医
  • 日本内分泌学会会員
  • 日本産科婦人科学会会員
  • 米国生殖医学会(ASRM)会員
  • ヨーロッパ生殖医学会(ESHRE)会員


  • 東條伸平、片山和明、福田操男 「女性不妊」 性II 代謝 第16巻9月臨時増刊号 1431-1436頁 1978年 中山書店
  • 東條伸平、片山和明、福田操男 小児婦人科学「身体発育と性機能の成熟」 図説臨床産婦人科講座27巻 28-43頁 1979年 メジカルビュー社
  • 福田操男、福田清美 体外受精マニユアル 1。卵巣刺激法 1)自然周期 臨床婦産 49巻 No.8 1031?1035頁 1995年 医学書院
  • 福田操男、福田清美 体外受精 卵巣刺激法 自然周期 118?123頁 1996年 メジカルビュー社
  • 福田操男、福田清美 図説ARTマニュアル 「ARTと鍼灸」 456-459頁 2008年 永井書店
  • 和文5編、欧文3編


  • 和文8編、英文41編 (英語論文著書の詳細はEnglish Page参照)


  • 国内学会11編、国際学会9編
  • 平成元年度 兵庫県産科婦人科学会賞受賞


福田 清美


  • 薬剤師
  • 医師
  • 日本麻酔科学会認定 麻酔科認定医
  • はり師 灸師
  • 日本医師会認定産業医

福田レディースクリニック非常勤医師 形成外科専門医

福田 貴巳佳


  • 医師
  • 形成外科専門医

English Guidance

Fukuda Ladies Clinic

Welcome to our website

Director: Misao Fukuda, MD, PhD*
Deputy Director: Kiyomi Fukuda, MD, Phar B, Acup**
Depty Director: Yayoi Fukuda,MD,ph.D.

30-9 Kariya, Ako, Hyogo 678-0239 Japan
Tel: 81-791-43-5357

Misao Fukuda was born in Hiroshima in 1950. He qualified in 1976 as MD from Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine and then as PhD from Kobe University Graduate School in 1981. He was Chief at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Ako Municipal Hospital, Japan. In 1985 he founded (Fukuda Ladies Clinic) with his wife, Kiyomi Fukuda, an anesthesiologist in Ako. Since first meeting with Professor Byskov and Professor Yding Andersen in 1991 he has been involved in collaborative works with them on human follicular growth and atresia. His research interests are follicle and oocyte health in reproductive physiology, obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound and offspring sex ratio in reproductive epidemiology. He has published more than 40 papers and books in Lancet, Fertility Sterility, Human Reproduction etc.

Kiyomi Fukuda was born in Hiroshima in 1950. She qualified in 1973 as Phar. B. from Tohoku University Pharmaceutical Department and then as MD from Hirosaki University School of Medicine in 1980. In 1985 she founded Fukuda Ladies Clinic with her husband in Ako. She also obtained degree of acupuncture in 2003. Her research interests are comparison of analgesic effectiveness between epidural block and acupuncture on lumbago etc., effect of acupuncture on cerebral infarction and rejuvenation by fotobright. Recent special interest is ultrasound-guided fascia release by injection of liquid medicine for not only pain relief but also fascia extension and improvement of joint movable range.

Yayoi Fukuda was born in Ako. She earned her MD from Fujita Health University in 2010 and completed her PHD at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in 2019. From 2010 to 2022 she worked at Osaka university Hospital and Osaka Police Hospital. She has worked at Fukuda Ladies Clinic from October 2022.

Bibliography Fukuda

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Mason S,Tatsumi K, Shimizu T,Akahori T, Matsumoto T,Tahara M,Yding Andersen C. Ovulation patterns affect the offspring sex ratios and change with the women’s age. Reproductive Health 2022,19,159

Nakagawa M, Egawa-Takata T, Kamino Y, Otoshi A, Fukuda Y, Tokugawa Y, Tsukahara C, Miyatake T, Nishio Y.
A case in which laparoscopic right salpingo-oophorectomy was performed in a patient with a lumboperitoneal shunt.
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;72:156-159.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K -The male to female ratio of newborn infants in Japan in relation to climate change, earthquakes, fetal deaths, and singleton male and female birth weights. Early Hum Dev, 2020, 140, 104861

Fukuda Y, Nakamura H, Kumasawa K, Kimura T.
A New Function of Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor (G-CSF): Suppression of Cell Proliferation in Uterine Endometrial Carcinoma.
Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages: 92-99

Fukuda,M, Fukuda K, Mason S, Shimizu T. Are fetal mortality and a trend towards reduced birth weight of infants associated with climate changes in Japan? Early Hum Dev t2019, 132, 37-38

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Mason S, Shimizu T, Yding Andersen C. The sex ratio at birth after recent major earthquakes in Japan. Early Hum Dev 2018, 123, 30-31

Tomimatsu T, Fukuda Y, Mimura K, Yoshino K, Kato H, Tsuboyama T, Hori Y, Kimura T.
Intense fluorodeoxyglucose uptake by a benign sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary.
Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Dec;55(6):893-894.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K,  Shimizu T, Bujold E. Ultrasound assessment of lower uterine segment thickness during pregnancy, labour, and the postpartum period. JOGC 2016, 38,134-140.

Shigeta N, Nakamura H, Suzuki Y, Fukuda Y, Sato N, Yamashita M, Tanaka A, Koizumi K, Furuya K, Kim N, Yasui Y, Goa S, Kumasawa K, Kimura T.
A case report of a successful pregnancy in a woman diagnosed with common variable immunodeficiency with impaired B cell class-switching and the decrease in naïve CD4 positive T cell
Journal of Reproductive Immunology volume 118, November 2016, Page 120.

Fukuda M, Shimizu T, Yding Andersen C. Climate Change, Tohoku earthquake and sex ratio of fetal death & birth. The male to female ratio of newborn infants in Japan in relation to climate change, Tohoku earthquake and fetal deaths. Lap lambert academic publishing 2015, 1-81

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Shimizu, T., Nobunaga M, Mamsen LS, Yding Andersen, C. Climate change is associated with the male to female ratios of fetal deaths and newborn infants in Japan.  Fertil Steril 2014, 102, 1364-1370.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Shimizu T, Nobunaga M, Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C. Natural Selection in Utero: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake  Am J Hum Biol 2013, 25, 859

Maenaka T, Iwata N, Egawa-Takata T, Fukuda Y, Tsukahara C, Kashihara H, Hisamoto K, Kunishige I, Nishio Y, Tsujimoto M.
A case of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix treated with paclitaxel and carboplatin after positive PAX 8 immunostaining
Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2013 Oct;40(10):1413-7.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Shimizu T, Nobunaga M, Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C.
Maternal smoking during pregnancy and age at menarche of premenopausal and postmenopausal daughters.  Hum Reprod 2012, 28, 551. 

Fukuda, M., Fukuda K, Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C。 Do hormonal characteristics of the luteal phase affect the conception rate of women undergoing IUI treatment in the following menstrual cycle ? Reproductive Biology Insights 2011, 4, 11-15

Fukuda, M., Fukuda K, Shimizu,T.Nobunaga M, Andersen, EW Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C. Reply: No association between age at menarche and sex of offspring   Hum Reprod 2011, 26:3203-4

Fukuda, M., Fukuda K, Shimizu,T.Nobunaga M, Andersen, EW Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C. Reply: The sex ratio of offspring is associated with the mothers’ age at menarche. Hum Reprod 2011, 26, 2589-90.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda K, Shimizu,T.Nobunaga M, Andersen, EW Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C Paternal smoking habits affect the reproductive life span of daughters.    Fertil Steril. 2011, 95, 2542-2544

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Shimizu T, Nobunaga M, Byskov AG, Yding Andersen C. The sex ratio of offspring is associated with the mothers’ age at menarche. Hum Reprod 2011, 26, 1551-1554.

Humaidan P, Westergaard LG, Mikkelsen AL, Fukuda M, Yding Andersen C. Levels of the epidermal growth factor-like peptide amphiregulin in follicular fluid reflect the mode of triggering ovulation: a comparison between gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist and urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin. Fertil Steril. 2011, 95, 2034-2038

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Tatsumi K, Shimizu T, Nobunaga M, Byskov AG Yding Andersen C.  The ovulation pattern during three consecutive menstrual cycles has a significant impact on pregnancy rate and sex of the offspring Fertil Steril, 2011, 95, 2545-7.

Eilso Nielsen M, Rasmussen IA, Fukuda M, Westergaard LG, Yding Andersen.  Concentration of Anti-Mullerian Hormone in fluid fromsmall antral follicles show a negative correlation with CYP19 mRNA expression in the corresponding granulosa cells.  Mol Hum Reprod 2010, 16, 637-43.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Yding Andersen C and Byskov AG.  Ovulation jumping from the left to the right ovary in two successive cycles may increase the chances of pregnancy during intrauterine insemination and/or in vitro fertilization natural cycles.  Fertil. Steril., 2006, 85: 514-7.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C., and Byskov, A.G.  Basal oestradiol and the ratios of oestradiol/androgens and oestradiol/FSH reflect pregnancy potential of women receiving IUI during natural cycles?
>Reprod Biomed Online. 2003, 6, 452-55.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Shimizu, T., Yding Andersen, C., and Byskov, A.G.  Periconceptional smoking and the male to female ratio in the offspring-re-assessment of a recently proposed hypothesis.  Int J Epidemiol,.2003, 32, 470-471.

Hashimoto, K., Shimizu, T., Fukuda, M., Ozaki, M., Shimoya, K., Koyama, M. and Murata, Y. Pregnancy Outcome of Embryonic/Fetal Pleural Effusion in the First Trimester.  J. Ultrasound Med.  2003, 22, 501-505.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Shimizu, T., Yding Andersen, C., and Byskov, A.G.  Periconceptual parental smoking and sex ratio of offspring.  Lancet, 2002, 360, 1515-1516.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Shimizu, T., Yding Andersen, C., and Byskov, A.G.  Parental periconceptional smoking and male:female ratio of newborn infants.  Lancet, 2002, 359, 1407-1408.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.Characteristics of human ovulation in natural cycles correlated to age and achievement of pregnancy.  Hum. Reprod., 2001, 16, 2501-2507.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.  Side of ovulation, hormones and sex ratio.  Hum. Reprod., 2001, 16, 198-199.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.  Right-sided ovulation favours pregnancy more than left-sided ovulation.  Hum. Reprod., 2000, 15, 1921-1926

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G. Does anovulation induced by oral contraceptives favor pregnancy during the following two menstrual cycles?  Fertil. Steril., 2000, 73, 742-747.

Yding Andersen, C., Morineau, G., Fukuda, M., Westergaard, L.G., Ingerslev, H.J., Fiet, J. and Byskov, A.G.   Assessment of the follicular cortisol:cortisone ratio.  Hum. Reprod., 1999, 14, 1563-1568.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G. Anovulations in an ovary during two menstrual cycles enhance the pregnancy potential of oocytes matured in that ovary during the following third cycle.  Hum. Reprod., 1999, 14, 96-100.

Fukuda, M. and Fukuda, K.  Endometrial and endometrial cavity movement in ART.  In Allahbadia, G. (ed), Transvaginal sonography in infertility.  Rotunda Medical Technologies, Bombay, 1998, 522-529.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Shimizu, T. and Moller H.  Decline in sex ratio at birth after Kobe earthquake.  Hum. Reprod., 1998, 13, 2321-2322

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.  Contralateral ovulation shortens follicular phase length and favours pre-embryo development during ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate.
> Hum. Reprod., 1998, 13, 1590-1594.

Fukuda, M. and Fukuda, K.  Uterine endometrial cavity movement and cervical mucous.  In Allahbadia, G. (ed), Endosonography in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  Rotunda Medical Technologies, Bombay, 1997, 532-537.

Fukuda, M. and Fukuda, K.  A simplified in-vitro fertilization (IVF) using disposable materials.  Hum. Reprod., 1997, 12, 2588-2590.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.  Does corpus luteum locally affect follicular growth negatively?  Hum. Reprod., 1997, 12, 1024-1027.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.  Contralateral selection of dominant follicle favours pre-embryo development.  Hum. Reprod.,1996, 11, 1958-1962.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K. and Ranoux, C.  Unexpected low oxygen tension of intravaginal culture.  Hum. Reprod., 1996, 11, 1293-1295

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Shimizu, T., Yomura, W. and Shimizu, S.  Kobe earthquake and reduced sperm motility.  Hum. Reprod., 1996, 11, 1244-1246.

Fukuda, M., Fukuda, K., Yding Andersen, C. and Byskov, A. G.  Healthy and atretic follicles: vaginosonographic detection and follicular fluid hormone profiles. Hum. Reprod., 1995, 10, 1633-1637.

Fukuda, M. Fukuda, K.  Uterine endometrial cavity movement and cervical mucous.  Hum. Reprod., 1994, 9, 1013-1016.

Fukuda M., Shimizu T., Fukuda K., Yomura W., and Shimizu S.   Transvaginal hysterosonography for differential diagnosis between submucous and intramural myoma.  Gynecol. Obstet. Invest., 1993, 35, 236-239.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Shimizu T, Natsuyama E, Mochizuki M.  Two types of translucent membrane of caesarean section scar tissue.  Lancet, 1992, 339, 254-255.

Fukuda M, Shimizu T, Ihara Y, Fukuda K, Natsuyama E, Mochizuki M. Ultrasound examination of caesarean section scars during pregnancy.  Arch Gynecol Obstet., 1991, 248 : 129-138.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, and Mochizuki M.  Examination of previous caesarean section scars by ultrasound.  Arch Gynecol Obstet.,1988, 243 : 221-224.

Fukuda, M., Katayama, K., Tsujimoto, D., Akahori, T. and Tojo, S. Inhibitory effect of corpus luteum on follicular growth and induced superovulation in immature rats.  Jap. J. Fertil. Steril.,1983,  28, 45-49.

Fukuda, M., Katayama, K. and Tojo, S. Inhibitory effect of progesterone on follicular growth and induced superovulation in the rat.  Arch. Gynecol., 1980, 230,77-87.

Presentations in international scientific meetings

Fukuda M, Tsujimoto D, Katayama K and Tojo S.  Inhibition of follicular growth and induced superovulation by exogenous progesterone in immature rats.  Tenth World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, Madrid, July 9th, 1980.

Tsujimoto D, Fukuda M, Katayama K and Tojo S.  Scanning electron microscopic studies on stigmas in rat ovaries.  Tenth World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, Madrid, July 9th, 1980.

Fukuda M, Katayama K, Tsujimoto D and Mochizuki M.  Interfering effect of corpus luteum on follicular growth and induced superovulation in immature rats.  Ninth Asia & Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 4-9, 1983.

Fukuda M, Shimizu T, Ihara Y, Fukuda K, Natsuyama E, Mochizuki M.  Ultrasonographic observation of previous cesarean section scar -vaginal delivery or repeat cesarean section-. Fifth meeting of World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Washington, D.C., Oct. 17-21, 1988.

Fukuda M, Shimizu T, Fukuda K, Natsuyama E and Mochizuki M.  New ultrasound examination of previous caesarean section scars during pregnancy, labor and postpartum.  Sixth meeting of World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Copenhagen, Sept. 1-6, 1991.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Katayama K, Mochizuki M, Yding Andersen C and Byskov A G.  Preovulatory and atretic follicles: ultrasound detection and follicular fluid hormone profiles.  Eighth World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, Kyoto, Sept. 12-15, 1993.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Yding Andersen C and Byskov A G.  Dominant follicular health and pregnancy outcome in contralateral versus ipsilateral ovulation.  Twelfth Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), Maastricht, June 30-July 3, 1996.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Yding Andersen C and Byskov A G.  Inter&intra-ovarian control mechanisms that influence oocyte quality and pregnancy potential.  Thirteenth International Workshop on the Development and Function of the Reproductive Organs.  Copenhagen June 12-15, 2004.

Fukuda M, Fukuda K, Tatsumi K, Shimizu T, Nobunaga M, Byskov AG Yding Andersen C.  Does the ovulation pattern in consecutive menstrual cycles affect the sex ratio of subsequent conceived children?  6th Workshop on mammalian folliculogenesis and oogenesis: from basic science to the clinic. Potsdam Germany October 8-10, 2009.

G-CSF suppresses proliferation of human uterine endometrial carcinoma cells.
Fukuda Y. Nakamura H. Kumasawa K. Kimura T.ISIR/JSIR 2019 2019/11/13-16
OB/GYN -Pain Clinic-Acupuncture-Fotobright-Laser Hair Removal


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